Introducing Period Parties

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Author Shelly-Ann Weeks teach young girls how to apply menstrual pads at Period Party held December 2018

A Period Party is an opportunity to have open conversations about Female Reproductive Health focusing on Periods in a comfortable and entertaining environment.

At the Period Party, girls are taught practical, factual information about menstruation.  They are encouraged to speak openly about menstruation and ask questions so they can get relevant information to help them navigate their own experience.  The session is also helps to break the ice on an otherwise uncomfortable subject matter and help the parents continue the conversation after they leave.

Author, Shelly-Ann Weeks addresses audience at Period Party held December 13, 2018.

Period is a word that comes with it a lot of strong emotions and reactions.  In fact, there are some spaces where the use of the word “period” is considered inappropriate.  So many girls grew up in Jamaican culture understanding that the period is an unclean activity and they should ensure that they make every effort to keep it hidden, especially away from any males – relatives or not.  In fact, it’s considered offensive to leave any evidence of periods in the reach or view of a man.

Think about the Jamaican colloquial curse words, they are all versions of the “cloth” that is used by women and girls during menstruation.  The bottom line is, we have some unlearning to do and we must start with what is taught too young people.

Shelly-Ann Weeks, Founder and Executive Director of HerFlow Foundation is aware of the stigma associated with periods having experienced it for herself and she knows that it’s especially hard on young girls because they don’t get adequate preparation to embark on the journey of menstruation.  It’s out of that experience why HerFlow was created.

Med student Samantha registers as she enters Period Party held December 13, 2018.

“In an age where technology is so advanced, it is frightening how ill-prepared young girls are when it comes to puberty and specifically periods.  The adults around them are to be blamed.”  explains the IT’S MY BODY. PERIOD. author.   “Most girls have to experience their first period without any guidance or supplies and sometimes with the ridicule of their peers.” She continued.


Email to register for the next Period Party Series.

About admin

Shelly-Ann Weeks is the Executive Director of HerFlow Foundation, an initiative established to empower women and girls about their Reproductive Health through education and mentorship. Shelly-Ann also established the first Period Awareness day October 24, 2016 and Period Awareness Week Oct 18-24, 2017.