7 Ways to Prepare your Daughter for Her First Period

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All teenage girls will have questions about their first period, which means parents must approach the topic openly and honestly. The team at betty offer their tips to getting the conversation started.

As a young girl growing up, periods can feel a little bit daunting. That’s why we created betty, a brand designed specially for teenagers to support them while they’re growing up – from puberty, to friendship dramas, to school. Our range of period essentials also mean your daughter’s period will seem a little less scary and a lot more comfortable.

But it’s also equally important for you as parents to kickstart the conversation around periods at home. betty has a brand-new Parents’ Hub to support you with everything puberty-related, from acne drama to bra shopping.

To get you started, we’ve put together some top tips on how you can kickstart the conversation on periods at home.

Relax and be positive. Speak openly and in a relaxed manner, as this will be much more comfortable for everyone. Steer away from negative language and talk about menstruation in a positive way.

Try not to wait until your daughter has started her period. Starting the conversation early will give your daughter time to get used to the idea. Some girls start as early as eight years old, so it’s a good idea to have the chat before. Remember to explain that everyone is different and reassure her that this is totally normal.

Avoid one big chat. A “let’s sit down and talk” conversation can be quite overwhelming. So, if they’re asking questions at a young age, answer them as honestly as you can. This will help to reduce the stigma of talking about periods from a young age and encourage them to be more body confident.

Be open and honest. Nearly all women get a period at some point in their lives, and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Being open and honest will make your daughter feel like it’s normal, which it is. If you’re a mum or a female carer, try telling your daughter about when you first started. Dads and male carers can reassure, too – you don’t have to have been through it yourself, just let your daughter know that you are there to talk to.

Talk to boys about periods, too. It’s really important that boys understand periods too, so they are informed. Talk to them about why girls and women get periods, how they deal with them (i.e. pads and tampons) and how periods can have symptoms such as mood swings and cramps.

Be prepared. Have a range of different sanitary products in the house, so your daughter can decide what works best for her. Try taking her shopping and let her choose her own, or why not check out bettypads, our own range specially designed for teens.

Support is key. There’s no doubt your daughter will have lots of questions about the changes her body is going through. Although you are always there to offer advice, there are lots of other resources out there that she can turn to if she has a question. One example is betty.me, our knowledgeable hub for period and puberty advice.


betty is a teen brand that aims to break the taboo of talking about periods, and empower young girls to be confident while growing up. Say hello at @bettycollective on all social channels or check out our range of period products at betty.me.