Have a Period Party

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When a little girl has her first period, the experience can be very scary and traumatizing for her if she is not prepared. Sometime she is away from her home and her family where she can get the support and the education and if she is in public, it’s even more devastating because now she shares this personal, private, confusing moment with all these strangers witnessing and comment on it.  We can prevent this daunting experience by properly preparing girls for the inevitable transition to womanhood.

In some African cultures, women in a village gather and help usher the young girls into puberty by celebrating their periods.  The elder women would sit around and tell stories letting the girls know what it was like for them and how they overcame challenges that they survived.  A Period Party is a modern version of this tradition that is designed to help girls prepare for puberty and act as a bonding activity for the girl and the women in her life.

How do you have a Period Party?

Gather the women in the family and close friends.  Prepare them to talk candidly about their bodies, experiences with period and how they feel about the whole journey.


Gifts can include a great Period Kit (a pouch with menstrual essentials), books, videos, any item that will educate and  help the make transition easier.  Use this opportunity to pass down traditions and share products, tips, secrets that worked for you in the past that the girl can use and benefit from as well.


Yes, invite them.  Believe it or not, men have period stories too and they can provide a unique point of view that the girl will find useful especially when dealing with boys at schools and other parts of her life.


This is a happy occasion so make it festive.  Ad good food, décor and definitely make sure that the girl feels loved and celebrated.  She should walk away feeling ready for her journey ahead knowing that she is loved and supported.  She should also know that all the people present will be avialble to answer her questions that will no doubt have in the future.

A Period Party is a great way to introduce a typically uncomfortable topic – periods – in a fun, relaxed, entertaining environment. The journey to womanhood is different for each girl and it really helps to know that she does not have to go at it alone.  So have a Period Party soon OR tune in to the one HerFlow is hosting on Instagram, Friday May 28, 2021 starting at 1:00pm @herflow.