March 8 is acknowledged around the world as International Woman’s Day in recognition of the participation of half the world’s population. As a part of this celebration of women, HerFlow Foundation created its Unsung Shero Award to recognize women who are doing important work in their communities.
Celebrate Her 2021
Due to the COVID Pandemic, 2020 edition was postponed. In 2021, we honored 20 Guidance Counselors who have gone above and beyond to serve their students. Thank you to our partners Lasco Curves for supporting this initiative.
Celebrate Her 2019
The awards were handed out at the Foundation’s inaugural Celebrate Her Brunch held on Sunday, March 17, 2019 at the Jamaica Pegasus.
Shelly-Ann Weeks, Founder and Executive Director of HerFlow Foundation explains the genesis of the Celebrate Her Brunch “CELEBRATE Her Brunch is created to recognize, highlight and honor Jamaican women achieving important goals in business and her community. Each woman will be the recipient of the inaugural HerFlow Unsung Shero Award. The awardees will be chosen based on the WORK that she does and the impact that she makes.”
Her Flow, LASCO honour outstanding women
HerFlow, Lasco Honour Outstanding “Sheroes”