Periods Don’t Stop For Pandemics

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As we all adjust our lives to fit the new post pandemic normal, women and girls who are affected by period poverty are in even greater need as access to menstrual products becomes harder due to the pandemic.  HerFlow Foundation, who is at the forefront supplying menstrual products to those in need, have had to change their operations and their reach has been restricted due to the shutdowns and subsequent curfews.  Fortunately, even with these obstacles, they have been able to donate over 30,000 packs of products to schools and community outreach.

HerFlow Founder and Executive Director, Shelly-Ann Weeks (far right) hands over menstrual products to Red Hill Primary Team

“We understand that periods don’t stop for pandemics, so we had to get in touch with the stakeholders on the ground to ensure that supplies get to those who need it,” states HerFlow’s Executive Director, Shelly-Ann Weeks.    Since the schools have reopened virtually, the usual on the ground activities that the foundation typically engage in is not possible. However, they have continued to supply schools with menstrual supplies for the students especially those who are on the PATH program to collect with their care packages.

“We work closely with the Guidance Counsellor and they facilitate the distribution of the products to the girls who are in need.”  Weeks explains.   “Our Period Workshops have gone virtual so we will be joining some of the Zoom classes as well.”

The world has changed because of COVID and we are still figuring out how to cope with all the changes.  While many discussions includes the need for food, shelter and other essential supplies, we must not forget that menstrual products are also essential.  Period Poverty is especially prevalent now because so many women have lost their jobs as a result of the pandemic.

HerFlow’s drive is continuous and they appreciate your support.  Please visit their website to find out how you can help. You can also email